DSMJ2010, Musbach, Germany
Thursday 12.8.2010, resting day
10:00 Briefing is going to be today at 12:00, there is no grid before the briefing. Clouds are hanging quite low, and it just started raining. Of course I’ve seen the satellite pictures with Bernd, and I have to say that it doesn’t look that promising, as heavier rain is arriving here soon. Good news is that the front might pass us today, so for now, the weather for tomorrow looks better.
Yesterday’s flying weather was really difficult as there were only few who finished the whole task. Also on Standard class we didn’t get official competition day, as only four of the pilots flew over 100 km, when it should have been at least nine. On Club class we congratulate Fabian, FH, who managed to finish the task with average speed of 51,4 km/h. It wasn’t a 1000 point day, not even close but in the end every point counts.
13:00 Spokesmen of both classes (LG and ALB) had asked if organization could speak English in briefings from now on, so everyone will understand, especially our international guests. We saw a safety flash of flying with others, since we want everyone to leave this competition in one piece. The day was cancelled on Club class, but not yet on Standard class. This is because we have to have four valid competition days so that we can declare the champions. So we are going to fly whenever there is a even small possibility for that.
Today’s briefing was exciting to me as well, as we also saw my first “movie”, not what Hubi is doing (some of you might know him), but with still pictures instead and some music. Sorry that I can’t put it online, because of the copyright in the music. You just have to come here to see it. :o)
But what comes to the pictures, I think we will give them to all our pilots in the end of the competition.
13:55 The day is cancelled, so I guess I am going to do my laundry, and perhaps having good dinner in the city in the evening.
00:00 It was a great day for resting, first having a nap and then dinner with Christof and Axel in Freudenstadt in a restaurant called Schlupfwinkel, pretty difficult to pronounce – at least with my Finnish mouth…but anyway dinner was great. Jägerstüble at market square was excellent as well, that I tried on Saturday. They both serve good German food.
So if you are not asleep yet and if there aren’t any clouds on the sky, go outside to see if you can catch some of the meteors, as today should be the maximum of Perseid meteor shower. Unfortunately the sky is covered here in Musbach, so I can’t see anything. So I am off to bed. See you tomorrow.