DSMJ2010, Musbach, Germany
Sunday 15.8.2010
There isn’t much to tell about yesterday’s flights, as it was complete outlanding day. Of course some of the pilots arrived to the airfield and were saving the strength of their crew, but most landed out.
Perhaps this was the reason why I didn’t hear any comments about yesterday. Hmmm…of course someone would have told me, if I just would have asked. But since all landed out, I didn’t want to ask about their feelings. And besides, I am sad to tell you that we had some unfortunate landings, as couple of gliders was damaged during their landings. This is why MG is leaving us, as they can’t repair the damages. Luckily nobody was hurt. Also it was great that we got one competition day more.
Bernd has been looking maps and satellite pictures with worried face, and he is really hoping that there would come one competition day when he could say to everyone in the briefing “go, fly, have fun”. But he still has to wait for that to come, as the weather on coming days looks really unstable.
Today we saw a presentation of Dr. Stiletto from the project called Luftikus. They are raising money for children and teenagers who can’t manage without artificial breathing devices and 24h care, and their goal is to build a house for these kids with special needs. So we had a buffet with really nice home-made cakes and coffee, where the money is going to this project. All income of today’s sightseeing and aerobatic flights is donated to them as well.
Since it’s raining, there aren’t any photos of today – yet. But as there isn’t task for today, Axel decided that we should have a Sing Star-contest in the evening. Let’s see if he is going to be the warm-up singer…and if I will be there with my camera.