5.8.2013 Monday – one week left
I like these “fast action” days. I mean that towings weren’t postponed and it took only 50 minutes to launch everybody. Also the temperature was quite nice, not too hot, the weather was actually really nice as we had some clouds as well. So in short: this was a good flying day.
Also pilots were quite happy afterwards, as the weather was quite pleasant compared to the blue thermals. Unfortunately one of my favorites (Charlie Jordan, UK) couldn’t make it, but had to land out. On a good day like this was it means losing too many points. But I am glad as Niel Deijgers won the day, and he is other of my favorites (yes, I have many favorites here ;-) ). I walked at the camping area in the evening, and Belgian team was really happy as Neil was first and Jeroen third in Club class, and Thomas was fifth on Standard class. Well done!
Leszno have founded (established) a team cup for JWGC, it’s really nice trophy and I am going to introduce it on the homepage soon.
The day went again really fast, as I said this was “fast action” day. In the evening I had dinner at the same place as yesterday, this time Bob and Australian team invited me with them. It was really nice dinner! The evening continued at the bar, but as I saw that there is certain atmosphere (drinking, drinking and more drinking), I decided to leave just after midnight. I could hear certain “party animal” singing drinking songs outside half an hour later, and at the same time someone was throwing up behind my window.
Hmmm, what a party that must have been…