8.8.2013 Thursday – few days to go, my last day in Leszno

Polish evening will be in the evening, I heard that there will be wild boar for food and you are allowed to bring your own drinks there. So have a good time!

I have packed my bags and will go home today, my train leaves at briefing time, so it’s time to say goodbye. I will continue monitoring the website from Finland, but mostly Jan, Michal and Wojtek will update the site from now on. That means that my blog ends here. Ahh…as Wojtek said, this blog doesn’t actually end, it just stops for awhile. I will put this blog on my site and most the photos I’ve taken will be there as well.

This has been really nice experience, so thank you Wojtek and gliding school Leszno for having me here. Thank you also all the pilots, team members, helpers etc. I will remember this experience for the rest of my life. I hope you will have really nice end of the competition.

Next year I will be working at least in Räyskälä, I’m going to work in the organization, doing the same thing I did here. I don’t know if I am able to come to JWGC2015 to Australia, but if they need help with the website or need experienced organization members, I am available ;-) It would be great to go to the competition during darkest Finnish winter, and meet all of you again.

Also thank you all who sent me email and gave me really good feedback of this blog, it feels good to know that someone actually enjoys reading these stories.

Anyway, if you don’t have anything to do, come to Räyskälä, you are warmly welcome!

The End

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