Saturday 28.11.2015 – Quite happy pilots
Almost all Australians keep asking “is the weather hot enough for you”. I have to say, that until so far it hasn’t been that bad, since the humidity is quite low. If humidity would be higher, it would be torture like at Europeans in Őcsény (HUN) last July.
But I must say that I was surprised that yesterday morning temperature was very low. In our hotel the balcony doors are always open, so it was pretty chilly at the corridor yesterday and this morning. Actually, I didn’t mind at all since that also meant that the air conditioning could be switched off. I am glad that I have warm clothes with me, so going out wasn’t a problem. Well, I didn’t need my mittens or woolen socks – yep, I have those with me – but jeans were needed definitely. Adam said yesterday that he was really surprised when he had to put a jumper on, in Narromine!
Quite happy pilots
I have been taught that if the night is cold and next day is warm, thermals will be good, in a theory of course. While I was writing the beginning of this “blog” and editing the photos which I took during the launches, the sky was blue above the airfield. But that wasn’t the situation on the task. Jakub (POL) came to the clubhouse after his flight to upload his file to scoring, and someone asked him how the flying day had been. I wasn’t quite sure if I heard it right, but it sounded like he said that the task was really nice because there were cumulus until it turned blue. Jakub also said that his average speed had been 114 km/h or so.
I sat at the Clubhouse terrace with Finnish team for a while in the evening, and asked Petri how the flight went. He told that the day had been was really nice, he said “fun” actually. That’s good news.
In the evening we decided with Wojtek and Tim (Bates) to go to the town for dinner and I had a walk before that. I saw the Czech team outside of the Coles, they had lots of shopping bags with them and they were waiting for their driver to arrive. Of course I asked them how the day went, and they said the same thing: beginning of the task was great, lifts were 4,5 m/s and flying under cumulus was great, after those blue days we’ve had. That was around the “mountains”, but after that the weather changed back to what we’ve had and that’s quite weak thermals and blue sky. I don’t know what a weak thermal is for Aussies, since these comments were coming from Europeans.
We tried the Imperial Beer garden and had pizza there, Pete (the towpilot) got colorful report how everything went. But we forgot to tell him that the Danish team was there with us until they had finished their meals. The restaurant was quite cozy actually, I mean I don’t mind having dinner outside when it’s as warm as here.
After dinner I watched Sound of Music from TV and tried to write my blog, but I fell asleep. Day was anyway very successful, since Adam’s old phone finally arrived by mail and I was able to update our social media from the grid.