Friday 4.12.2015 – Loggers can’t walk
It was “A Blue Day, sequel 3” and there’s nothing for me to tell. It’s like a poem:
Morning was cold
Sky was blue
Pilots flew well
Hana was chased by others on the sky
Afternoon was warm
I felt tired
In the briefing Adam always has some notices to begin with. Today there was a notice “loggers can’t walk”. Simon, Danish pilot had outlanded just before entering the finish ring. But he had a plan: after landing he jumped out from the glider, took the logger and tried to walk (or run) to the finish ring. Except that there was a barb wire fence on his way and he hurt his hand while trying to get the logger to the other side of the fence, inside the finish ring. Now he has to wear a bandage in his hand. It’s not that bad as it looks like, he said. But he admitted that he was trying to cheat. That’s Thursday’s news.
About Hana (CZE): Wojtek is following the tracking daily and today he called me and said I might want to have a look of the tracking as everybody seems to be chasing Hana. It was like that, Hana flying in front and bunch of other gliders well behind of her. It made it even funnier as her color on tracking was girly pink.
Gliding trivia
There was a gliding trivia at the clubhouse evening at 20, but I almost felt I was sleepwalking so I didn’t go there. Jess told me that it was quite a successful evening, since they’ve started with about 10 people and there was about 40 when they ended the trivia around 22:00 in the evening.