JWGC2015 – 9th FAI Junior World Gliding Championships 2015

Narromine, Australia 1st-12th December

Sunday 15th November

My journey to Australia started! First 9,5 hours flight to Hong Kong, 6 hours stopover there and just over 8 hours to Sydney. Let’s see how I feel after that. Markku said that it will be “total hell”. Positive side is that the first flight will leave late in the evening, so I don’t have to stress about waking up 5 in the morning as usual.

Monday 16th November

After sleeping some few hours during the flight, I walked around Hong Kong airport and felt like a zombie or like I would be drunk, which I wasn’t. Even easiest task felt overwhelming and too difficult to do. I thought that Markku was right, this isn’t going to be easy. After spending few hours at over-priced Lounge, I started feeling better. Hong Kong airport is a big place, my iPhone Health-application had counted over 13 000 steps, that’s quite good for sitting most of the day, isn’t it.

It was a surprise that they do not trust Airport employees at Hong Kong. I bought too expensive bottle of water from a kiosk for my next flight, like I can do in Europe. Won’t work here, they took all bottles away after boarding. Like a bottle of water would kill us.

Tuesday 17th – Wednesday 18th November

Everything went as smooth as you could have hoped for, I didn’t feel too tired after the flight. I got a taxi, went to the hotel and after having a shower and short rest I felt like going exploring Sydney. Since this is a competition blog, I will leave the details out for now. Let’s just say that I walked around Sydney, went to see the Opera house, visited the zoo…and ate alone, which isn’t my favorite thing, I can do that enough at home.

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