Monday 23.11.2015
In the morning I was ready to go to the airfield just around 8 o’clock, but it looked like everybody who are living at the same hotel and have cars had left already. I couldn’t do anything else but pack my computer and things in bags and start walking towards the airfield. The timing was just perfect, after walking some 5-10 minutes, I passed the gas station and saw Jakub (Pulawski) fueling his car. I got a lift from them! I am waiting to see that “group selfie” they took of us in the full car. Thanks team Poland, it was a big help!
I got the competition website under my control today. It hasn’t been before. I mean I’ve helped little with the content, but there’s been very few things what I’ve done with it. We decided with Adam that it’s best if I will take care of it. The system is quite “ready thought”, I mean there aren’t many possibilities to do with it. I sent messages to guys and because of the time difference I have to wait until tomorrow to get their answers. I don’t have internet connection at the accommodation so I can’t take care of any of these things after I’ve left the airfield.
In the afternoon I visited the launch point, we went there with Ailsa. I would have had the opportunity to drive her car back, but I thought this isn’t the time to start driving the car with steering wheel on the right side of the car, which is the wrong side to me. Besides, driving from the launch point back to the apron is quite a long trip and I am not sure if I would have found the correct way back.
During the day I did some camera adjustments, since I took the camera to maintenance before this trip and they’ve reset all my settings.
In the evening it was time to eat again, we had schnitzels with mushroom sauce, penne carbonara, bean salad, mixed salad and bread rolls. It was great meal, and ensured that I would fall asleep soon again.
It turned out that there was supposed to be 10ish organization workers at this same hotel, but most of them have escaped to other places. Don’t blame them, but try to keep calm and think that things don’t necessarily improve after changing, but things could get worse instead. Or that I keep telling myself. At least I have hot water coming from the tap, not all of the rooms have that. In the evening Wojtek asked from the hotel owners for ladders and changed some of the smoke detector batteries as those we’re beeping once in a minute.