Monday 25.4.2011 – Short flights

Weather looked again the same in the morning, but this day was different as the day was warm but the wind was cold. I had three layers of clothes on. In the briefing Vladimir gave immediately two tasks for each class, one normal racing task and other same task but AAT version of it with 2 hour task time. Our young “met man” promised some rain showers on the task area.

We had a grid on RWY 33. When we looked to the North, we saw pretty good cumulus and when we looked to the opposite direction, we saw only dark rainy front.  If I am honest, I thought that the day would end during the towings, Vladimir cancelling the task and we would go early to the hotel and even perhaps have a nap. Launches were postponed few times, and after all both sides of the sky looked flyable. That was the situation on the ground.

It was totally different on the sky, all pilots in two-seater class were flying task B – the AAT version – and they all flew only 20-50 km. So this was almost the same as yesterday. Starts were fairly late and all landed back after they had flown one hour or so. Before that three of our tow planes (Cmelaks) decided to do a fly by, that was great to watch.

This day wasn’t a valid competition day, as they all flew so short distances. We noticed that yesterday was cancelled as well. It says on the rules that “more than 25%” should fly over 100 km. Yesterday exactly 25% of two-seater class flew that distance, but since the term is “more than”, the day was cancelled.

For the dinner we tried something different and went to Penzion Zoborska, where is Pizzeria Toscana, and after that we had few drinks at U Krba.

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