Thursday 26.5.2011 – Historic day, two tasks!
What a day! We started the day with the briefing as normal, but earlier than usual (at 9:00). Towings started at 11:30, and start line opened 12:30. First task was 100,6 km, and all pilots finished it less than 1,5 hours. At 15:00 we were ready to start the towings again, and start line for second race opened at 16:05. Second task was 160 km, and only two pilots landed out, everybody else came back.
Scoring program of course isn’t designed for this historic situation, but that doesn’t stop us from doing this.
As we managed to have these two tasks today, it means also that we have a valid Grand Prix competition! Now I have to go outside and give a hug to the three best pilots with daily prices of course…
Tomorrow starts with the briefing at 10:00