22.6.2014 – No grid, no task

The organization was introduced in the briefing at 10.00, and I got my few seconds of publicity as well, as we all were standing at the podium.

At weather briefing Jarkko’s (the meteorologist for the first week) comment that “the weather is “quite moist” up until the tropopause” with the day’s sounding image made people burst into laughter. I don’t understand much of those graphs even I should, but obviously it was telling that the flying isn’t possible today.

Honestly at this point (one week later) I can’t remember what I did that day. Took a nap, ran here and there I guess, as I didn’t even take pictures. Aa, I took one as Ailsa took me behind the fire truck and showed me how a kangaroo sticker has appeared on the side of the truck. It actually looked like it belongs there as the kangaroo was same colour as the fire truck. Also I cut Kimmo’s and Pauli’s hair.

In the evening at the barbecue Heikki (the competition director) said that we should be ready for early morning on Monday. We were rolling our eyes since everybody had said during the day that Monday will be as bad as Sunday was. But Heikki said that there is a chance that it will be better. So we went early to bed, except that I found myself reading WGC facebook page, my mails and answering to all, and went again to bed too late.

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