Monday 13.6.2011 – sad, cold, rainy day
This day isn’t competition day because of the happenings of yesterday. The weather is really poor as well. There are two low pressures around us, I guess other one is for our Nationals and the other is for Women World Gliding Championships in Sweden…
Day started with briefing for pilots, their crew and organization. Competition directors and Tapio Pitkänen, President of the Finnish Aeronautical Association sent their condolences to the family and friends of both pilots. There was a crew from crisis support telling that all people are going through this happening on their own way, and as we are a tight croup, we should process the accident as much as we want to and support each other.
This is exactly what we are going to do. Being together and talking about what happened if we feel like it.
I don’t know about you or other countries, if everybody knows each other in gliding. But as Räyskälä is pretty big and busy place, we usually know the names and faces, but can’t always connect the right face and name. Just today I learned who the lost pilot was, got a name and face together. I know that here are several good friends of him and I can see how sad everybody is. Why this had to happen?