DSMJ2010, Musbach, Germany

Friday 13.8.2010

15.50 It is a new flying day. Clouds seemed quite big already before the launches and we thought those would spread out as Bernd told us in the briefing. But still now we can see blue sky here and there, although the sun isn’t shining anymore. It’s getting cold actually.

Organization decided that we won’t take the start times at all, so this is why we don’t have them in the internet either. So you just have to wait for the pilots to arrive back to the airfield. Now I can hear finishing announcements on the radio, so it is time to take the camera and go for a walk.

18:40 It is a beer-time in the container :-) I have lots of new photos from the finishes. Today I borrowed a 100-400 mm lense from Axel, which was perfect for my “paparazzi” purposes. While I was taking pictures of finishing gliders, ML, Robin Foerster, walked by and told me that it was a bit frustrating as he had landed just before the finish line. So it was an outlanding, even he was so close to the airfield. Also SI, David, told me that weather was quite interesting, as there were strong thermals, but quite low cloud base.

Nice surprise was JU-52, coming from Zürich and going to Bensheim for the weekend. Their route obviously went by Musbach, so they “had” to do the flyby on their way. If they are coming back on Monday, perhaps then we will see this nice plane again. Also an Extra 300 came here for a short visit, it is going back tomorrow. Lothar went for a short aerobatics flight and Axel borrowed my camera for taking photos of this special event.

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